
Coverage, Billing and Financial Assistance

HepQuant is committed to improving the lives of patients suffering from Chronic Liver Disease

HepQuant is a trusted partner for Chronic Liver Disease patients and their caregivers. The HepQuant DuO™ test delivers information about your liver cell function and portal-systemic shunting, attributes of liver disease that are associated with clinical outcomes. If you have Chronic Liver Disease and your physician needs to know how your liver is functioning, he or she may have ordered a HepQuant DuO test.

HepQuant has a dedicated team of reimbursement professionals committed to providing guidance and support to its patients during each step of the insurance and reimbursement process.

Insurance Coverage

HepQuant is committed to providing our health care services to all patients. If you are uninsured or lack coverage for a service, you are encouraged to contact the HepQuant Reimbursement Team to review your financial assistance options.

HepQuant Accepts All Coverage Plans

We are here to help. Our HepQuant Reimbursement Team will make every attempt to support coverage and reimbursement for our tests which may include obtaining prior authorization, billing your health plan for the test and appealing denials on your behalf.

In the event your insurance company does not cover our testing services, patients may apply for the Financial Assistance Program at any time during the testing process

HepQuant will only send a bill after the claims have been fully processed (gone through any appeals/denials process)

Financial Assistance Program

HepQuant offers a Financial Assistance program for patients who meet the eligibility criteria to qualify for reduced financial responsibility for HepQuant services.

Click here for an Overview and More information on the Patient Assistance Program.

Apply For the Financial Assistance

Haga clic aquí para obtener una descripción general y más información sobre el Programa de asistencia al paciente.

Solicita el Programa de
Asistencia Financiera

What to Expect

1) HepQuant DuO test is ordered

Your Hepatologist/Endocrinologist orders the test and provides us with your insurance information when the HepQuant DuO test is ordered.

2) Determining out of pocket expense

A HepQuant reimbursement specialist will reach out to provide an estimate of your potential out of pocket expense.

3) You receive what looks like a bill

You will receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance plan after HepQuant submits a claim for HepQuant Duo testing. Please note this is NOT a bill, but rather a notice of how your claim has processed.

4) You may receive a bill from HepQuant.

After you receive an EOB, you may also receive a HepQuant bill. Only a HepQuant Bill is your Out-of-Pocket Expense.

If you would like to pay your bill, click here for the Patient Billing Portal.

Billing FAQ

You will receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance plan after HepQuant Submits a claim for the HepQuant DuO test. Please note that this is NOT a bill. The EOB is a notice from your insurance plan indicating how it has processed the claim.

If your insurance claim is denied, with your consent, our team will work directly with your insurance provider and physician to try and obtain coverage while minimizing any financial burden.

Most insurance providers require HepQuant to bill patients for any applicable deductible, copayment and coinsurance as specified by your insurer and noted on the Explanation of Benefits (EOB). If you have any questions regarding your insurance or bill received, please reach out to us at (833) 539-9700.

You may have been paid by your insurance company and are in receipt of a check with attached correspondence to that payment. Since your insurance company has chosen to pay you directly, it is your responsibility to forward the amount reimbursed with any attached correspondence received to HepQuant, as the provider of the service, within 10 days of your receipt of that payment. For information on where to mail the check, please contact us at (833) 539-9700 or mail it to:

P.O. Box 738005
Dallas, TX  75373 – 8005

HepQuant will submit a claim to your primary insurance company and, if applicable, your secondary insurance company. Note that not all services provided are covered by all insurance companies. Please contact our billing department to provide insurance billing information at (833) 539-9700.

Yes, HepQuant does have a Financial Assistance Program. You may review the qualification process and if applicable, apply online at or please contact HepQuant at (833) 539-9700 to discuss the pre-qualification process.

Do NOT call your doctor, as only HepQuant specialists will be able to assist you with billing inquiries.

Please call us at (833) 539-9700 or email

Contact our Reimbursement Specialists.

We are happy to help