
Deterioration in liver function after liver-directed therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma measured by cholate clearance

Maarouf A. Hoteit, Andrezj Wojcieszynski, Brian Currie, Matthew H. Levine, Kimberly A. Forde, Kim A. Reiss, Greg Nadolski, Michael C. Soulen3, Steve Helmke, Gregory T. Everson, Edgar Ben-Josef | GastroHep. 2020;00:1–8

Assessing hepatic impairment in Fontan‐associated liver disease using the HepQuant SHUNT test

Lemmer A, VanWagner L, Gasanova Z, Helmke S, Everson GT, Ganger D | Congenit Heart Dis. 2019; 14:978-986

Noninvasive assessment of liver function

Helmke S, Colmenero J, Everson GT | Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2015 May;31(3):199-208

Functional Elements Associated With Hepatic Regeneration in Living Donors After Right Hepatic Lobectomy

Gregory T. Everson, John C. Hoefs, Claus U. Niemann, Kim M. Olthoff, Robert Dupuis, Shannon Lauriski, Andrea Herman, Norah Milne, Brenda W. Gillespie, Nathan P. Goodrich, and James E. Everhart | Liver Transpl 2013; 19:292–304

Quantitative Liver Function Tests Improve the Prediction of Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Hepatitis C: Results From the Hepatitis C Antiviral Long-term Treatment Against Cirrhosis Trial

Gregory T. Everson, Mitchell L. Shiffman, John C. Hoefs, Timothy R. Morgan, Richard K. Sterling, David A. Wagner, Shannon Lauriski, Teresa M. Curto, Anne Stoddard, and Elizabeth C. Wright, the HALT-C Trial Group | Hepatology 2012; 55:1019-1029

Quantitative tests of liver function measure hepatic improvement after sustained virological response: Results from the HALT-C trial

Everson, G.T., Shiffman, M.L., Hoefs, J.C., Morgan, T.R., Sterling, R.K., Wagner, D.A., DeSanto, J.L., Curto, T., Wright, E.C., and the HALT-C Trial Group (2009) | Aliment Pharmacol Ther., 29(5):589-601

The Spectrum of Hepatic Functional Impairment in Patients with Fibrosis and Compensated Cirrhosis Due to Chronic Hepatitis C: Results from the HALT-C Trial

Everson GT, Shiffman ML, Morgan TR, Hoefs JC, Sterling RK, Wagner DA, Kugelmas M, Curto T, Wright EC, and the HALT-C Trial Group (2008) | Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 27(9):798-809